Covid-19 Resources for Businesses and Individuals / Families

Covid-19 Resources for Businesses and Individuals / Families


Small Business Administration: The SBA has several programs and initiatives to assist small businesses. (

Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism: DBEDT also has links out to the SBA resources, as well as other local resources.  (


COVID-19 Job Site Best Practices (

Each of the four counties may have different regulations, and there are regulations for interisland travel for contractors with jobs on each island:

Individuals and Families:

Direct Tax Payments and Tax Relief: State and federal taxes deadlines have been extended and many individuals will be eligible for a one-time payment starting April 15. (

Paid Leave for Employees: Employees who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible for two types of paid leave. (

Homeowners or Renters: Both homeowners and renters may qualify for relief (

Veterans: There are various resources for veterans including veteran-owned businesses, employees, etc.(

Unemployment: There are both state (  and federal resources ( regarding unemployment for employees.

Other Government Resources:


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